How Much Do Indie Artists Make on Tour?
Ever wondered how much money indie artists make touring? Spoiler alert: it's probably not what you think. This post dives into the data to give you a realistic picture of what’s like to be on the road as an indie artist.

Side Door by the Sea Halifax Waterfront Free Concert Series
Any space can be a venue - even a container ship on the Halifax Waterfront! Announcing Side Door by the Sea, a free concert series.

How to Get Gigs: The Ultimate Guide to Publishing a Show Call
Meet Mat Kahansky, the Bookings Lead at Side Door, who has successfully booked around 1,000 shows. Get valuable insights from Mat on the effective strategy of publishing a Show Call to secure more gigs.

5 Unique Spaces for your Next Concert
We believe nothing beats the magic of an intimate show in an alternative space, whether in a living room or a bookstore — it's not just the home concert venue that can provide the backdrop for a memorable night.

Side Door | NXNE
On the Road with Side Door x NXNE is an incentive program for NXNE showcasing members to assist artists in finding more shows in June 2023. Here’s your chance to get involved. 🔥

Rethinking Touring at SXSW 2023
A follow-up to the SXSW 22 panel (How to Tour in Alternative Venue Spaces), How to Tour in 2023 Without Broke, shared tangible strategies for rising artists who don't necessarily have the funds to tour in a grandiose way or without a specific purpose, which was the primary focus of the discussion.

Side Door | ECMA
On the Road with Side Door x ECMA is an incentive program for ECMA members that aims to assist artists in finding more shows in April and May 2023. Here’s your chance to get involved. 🔥

Introducing: the Safer Spaces Initiative at Side Door
As part of our ongoing commitment to building a supportive and transparent community, members of the Justice Working Group at Side Door are developing a safer spaces certification program for participating hosts.

Platform Update: Show the Love Ratings and Reviews
Heart Ratings and Reviews of your shows (both as an artist and host) are now publicly available on Side Door to help enhance the profile's quality and provide insight for those looking to book shows.

I created a Show Call… now what?
Share your Show Call on social media and more. We’ve found that when Artists and Hosts follow this strategy, they maximize their reach and have a higher success rate of booking shows.

Side Door | SXSW
The Side Door team is headed back to SXSW! From a panel discussion on How to Tour in 2023 Without Going Broke to a showcase in an intimate space, we can’t wait to see you there!

2022 Year in Review
We’re super proud to see more diverse representation in the artists who are signing up, the average artist's net revenue increasing and our V3 platform focusing on the artist’s needs of where and when they want to play.

Side Door Announces ‘On the Road with Side Door’ U.S. Touring Program
On the Road with Side Door is a touring incentive program available to Artists showcasing at Folk Alliance International (FAI) or South by Southwest (SXSW) in 2023. Showcasing Artists touring around the U.S. can apply to receive a $500 USD guarantee

Hosting on Side Door - The Fort Awesome Experience
Our Marketing Manager, Nicole Slenning, recently took a road trip to one of our house venues in Seattle, Washington. Where she meets Side Door hosts Drew Albenze and Sheryl Rothmuller of Fort Awesome for their sixth house concert. .

Side Door x BreakOut West
The Side Door x BreakOut West partnership is coming to Calgary on Oct 1st! From a panel discussion on Developing western Canadian Touring Networks to a showcase featuring six terrific artists, we can’t wait to see you there!

Turn One Gig into 10 - Making your Audience into Venues
Why you should play house concerts: turning your audience into venues.

6 Easy Ways to Promote your Show & Pack the House
Congrats, you created a show call and connected with a rad artist, and you’re going to host a show! Whether this performance is happening in an art space, cafe, or backyard, it can feel intimidating to sell tickets.
We’ve got some pro tips to help you pack the house.

Introducing: The Vision for Equity at Side Door
The Side Door team has been working toward developing a strategic plan outlining short-term and long-term goals for equity, diversity, and inclusion at the company to ensure we are meeting everyone where they’re at. This is the beginning of our journey of an ongoing commitment to creating an equitable community and company.

Side Door Launches New Redesigned Platform!
Today, Side Door is so happy to launch our brand-new redesigned and refined platform! We’re returning to our main purpose - which was always to connect artists with hosts to create in-person shows.

Open your Door to Hosting
Are you considering hosting a show in your space but not sure how to take the first step? Here’s how and why you should get started in bringing live art to your community!

Press Release: Side Door to SXSW 2022
Side Door announces a partnership with SXSW called Side Door to SXSW, which will book curated tours for six selected SXSW showcasing artists traveling to Austin, TX, for this year's festival and conference. Each touring experience will be documented along the road, culminating with an official Side Door to SXSW showcase on March 18th, 2022, at the Drafting Room.